📲Install as App

For improved censorship resistance and privacy, Boltz is not available in app stores, but can be installed as Progressive Web App (PWA) on all Android and iOS devices, as well as desktop computers.

How to Install Boltz as App


  1. Open boltz.exchange in a mobile browser like Chrome or Vanadium, open the browser menu and tap "Install app":

  1. Confirm with "Install":

  1. Now you find Boltz as App Icon on your home screen which you can use just like any other app.


  1. Open boltz.exchange in your Safari mobile browser and tap the share button:

  1. Tap "Add to Home Screen":

  1. Confirm by tapping "Add":

  1. Now you find Boltz as App Icon on your home screen which you can use just like any other app.


Here an example how to install Boltz as App on a Ubuntu Desktop Computer using Chromium:

  1. Open boltz.exchange and click the install icon that automatically appears:

  1. Confirm by clicking "Install":

  1. Now you find Boltz as App Icon in your application collection:

Last updated