First, set up Boltz Regtest. Then clone this repository and build the plugin:
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd boltz-btcpay-plugin/
dotnet build BTCPayServer.Plugins.Boltz
Next, exit the directory and set up BTCPay Server:
git clone
cd btcpayserver
bash -c "cd BTCPayServer.Tests && docker compose -p btcpay up -d dev"
cd BTCPayServer
echo "{
\"DEBUG_PLUGINS\": \"/home/USER/boltz-btcpay-plugin/BTCPayServer.Plugins.Boltz/bin/Debug/net8.0/BTCPayServer.Plugins.Boltz.dll\"
}" >
dotnet run --launch-profile Bitcoin -c Debug
Where /home/USER/boltz-btcpay-plugin is the path to the Boltz BTCPay Plugin directory.
You might have to update the client binaries to latest master.
git clone
cd boltz-client
cp ./boltzd ./boltzcli ~/.btcpayserver/RegTest/LocalStorage/Boltz/bin/linux_amd64/
If you want to run against a local Lightning node from your btcpayserver repository:
cd BTCPayServer/Properties
nano launchsettings.json
In the launchsettings, change the BTCPAY_BTCLIGHTNING entry to connect to your Lightning node, for CLN the connection string looks something like this: