🐳Regtest Environment

This document describes how to set up a Docker regtest environment for Boltz Backend development.


The regtest environment of the Boltz Backend is based on boltz/regtest. To start the images run npm run docker:start and to stop them again use npm run docker:stop to stop and remove the containers.

To use the nodes in the container with the Boltz Backend, use a configuration file in ~/.boltz/boltz.conf similar to this one:

host = ""
port = 5432
database = "boltz"
username = "boltz"
password = "boltz"

clnAmountThreshold = 1_000_000

deferredClaimSymbols = ["BTC", "L-BTC"]

base = "BTC"
quote = "BTC"
rate = 1
fee = 0.4
swapInFee = 0.2

invoiceExpiry = 361

maxSwapAmount = 4_294_967
minSwapAmount = 50_000

    reverse = 1440
    swapMinimal = 1440
    swapMaximal = 2880
    swapTaproot = 10080

base = "RBTC"
quote = "BTC"
rate = 1
fee = 0.5

maxSwapAmount = 4_294_967
minSwapAmount = 50_000

    reverse = 1440
    swapMinimal = 1440
    swapMaximal = 2880
    swapTaproot = 10080

base = "L-BTC"
quote = "BTC"
fee = 0.25
swapInFee = 0.1
rate = 1

maxSwapAmount = 4_294_967
minSwapAmount = 10_000

    reverse = 1440
    swapMinimal = 1400
    swapMaximal = 2880
    swapTaproot = 10080

symbol = "BTC"
network = "bitcoinRegtest"
minWalletBalance = 10_000_000
minLocalBalance = 10_000_000
minRemoteBalance = 10_000_000
maxSwapAmount = 4_294_967
minSwapAmount = 50_000
maxZeroConfAmount = 0
preferredWallet = "core"

    host = ""
    port = 18_443
    cookie = "docker/regtest/data/core/cookies/.bitcoin-cookie"

    host = ""
    port = 10_009
    certpath = "docker/regtest/data/lnd/certificates/tls.cert"
    macaroonpath = "docker/regtest/data/lnd/macaroons/admin.macaroon"

    host = ""
    port = 9291
    rootCertPath = "docker/regtest/data/cln/certs/ca.pem"
    privateKeyPath = "docker/regtest/data/cln/certs/client-key.pem"
    certChainPath = "docker/regtest/data/cln/certs/client.pem"

        host = ""
        port = 9292
        rootCertPath = "docker/regtest/data/cln/hold/ca.pem"
        privateKeyPath = "docker/regtest/data/cln/hold/client-key.pem"
        certChainPath = "docker/regtest/data/cln/hold/client.pem"

        host = ""
        port = 9293
        rootCertPath = "docker/regtest/data/cln/mpay/ca.pem"
        privateKeyPath = "docker/regtest/data/cln/mpay/client-key.pem"
        certChainPath = "docker/regtest/data/cln/mpay/client.pem"

symbol = "L-BTC"
network = "liquidRegtest"

maxSwapAmount = 4_294_967
minSwapAmount = 10_000

minWalletBalance = 100_000_000

    host = ""
    port = 18884
    cookie = "docker/regtest/data/core/cookies/.elements-cookie"

providerEndpoint = ""

etherSwapAddress = "0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3"
erc20SwapAddress = "0xe7f1725E7734CE288F8367e1Bb143E90bb3F0512"

    symbol = "RBTC"

    maxSwapAmount = 4_294_96700
    minSwapAmount = 10000

    minWalletBalance = 100_000_000

    symbol = "USDT"
    decimals = 18
    contractAddress = "0x9fE46736679d2D9a65F0992F2272dE9f3c7fa6e0"

    maxSwapAmount = 4_294_96700000
    minSwapAmount = 10000

    minWalletBalance = 400_000_000_000
    maxWalletBalance = 500_000_000_000

We recommend adding aliases to control executables of Boltz and nodes to your .bashrc:

# Boltz Docker regtest
boltzDir="<path to the cloned repository>"


alias bitcoin-cli-sim='bitcoin-cli --regtest --rpccookiefile=$cookieDir/.bitcoin-cookie'
alias elements-cli-sim='elements-cli --regtest --rpcport=18884 --rpccookiefile=$cookieDir/.elements-cookie'


alias lnclibtc='lncli --rpcserver= --tlscertpath=$lndCert --macaroonpath=$lndMacaroon'
alias lnclibtc2='lncli --rpcserver= --tlscertpath=$lndCert --macaroonpath=$lndMacaroon'

alias lncliltc='lncli --rpcserver= --tlscertpath=$lndCert --macaroonpath=$lndMacaroon'
alias lncliltc2='lncli --rpcserver= --tlscertpath=$lndCert --macaroonpath=$lndMacaroon'

alias lightning-cli-sim='docker exec -it regtest lightning-cli'

# Add the Boltz executables to the path
export PATH="$boltzDir/bin:$PATH"

Last updated