🔁Swap Types & States

Boltz offers several different swap types. This document describes the types and different states a particular swap type traverses.

Swap Types

Boltz currently offers three types of Atomic Swaps:

Swap States

Normal Submarine Swaps

Normal Submarine Swaps move bitcoin from the chain to Lightning. "Chain" can be the Bitcoin mainchain or, for instance, the Liquid sidechain. Typically, the user creates a Lightning invoice for Boltz, sends bitcoin to a neutral lockup address on the chain and Boltz sets up the Lightning payment. Once the Lightning payment was settled by the user's wallet/node, Boltz can use the revealed preimage to claim the bitcoin in the lockup address to complete the swap.

When a Normal Submarine Swap is created, it passes through the following states:

  1. swap.created: initial state of the swap; optionally the initial state can also be invoice.set in case the invoice was already specified in the /createswap request. Boltz Web App is an example for a client that sets the invoice with /createswap already.

  2. transaction.mempool: a transaction that sends bitcoin to the chain address is found in the mempool, meaning user sent funds to the lockup chain address.

  3. transaction.confirmed: the lockup transaction was included in a block. For mainchain swaps, Boltz always waits for one confirmation before continuing with the swap. The getpairs call provides amount limits for which Boltz accepts 0-conf per pair.

  4. invoice.set: if the invoice was not set as part of the /createswap request, this state confirms that an invoice with the correct amount and hash was set.

  5. Once the user's lockup transaction is included in a block (or found in the mempool if 0-conf applies), Boltz will try to pay the invoice provided by the user. When successful, Boltz obtains the preimage needed to claim the chain bitcoin. State of the Lightning payment is either:

    • invoice.pending: if paying the invoice is in progress

    • invoice.paid: if paying the invoice was successful or

    • invoice.failedToPay: if paying the invoice failed. In this case the user needs to broadcast a refund transaction to reclaim the locked up chain bitcoin.

  6. transaction.claim.pending: This status indicates that Boltz is ready for the creation of a cooperative signature for a key path spend. Taproot Swaps are not claimed immediately by Boltz after the invoice has been paid, but instead Boltz waits for the API client to post a signature for a key path spend. If the API client does not cooperate in a key path spend, Boltz will eventually claim via the script path.

  7. transaction.claimed: indicates that after the invoice was successfully paid, the chain bitcoin were successfully claimed by Boltz. This is the final status of a successful Normal Submarine Swap.

If the user doesn't send chain bitcoin and the swap expires, Boltz will set the state of the swap to swap.expired, which means that it was cancelled and chain bitcoin shouldn't be sent anymore. When the client fails to lock coins in a way that is satisfactory to the server, like sending too little or too much, it will set the status to transaction.lockupFailed.

For the swap states invoice.failedToPay, swap.expired where bitcoin were sent, and transaction.lockupFailed, the user needs to submit a refund transaction to reclaim the locked chain bitcoin. For more information about how Boltz API clients can construct and submit refund transactions for users, check the Claim & Refund Transactions section.

The state transaction.lockupFailed is not final and changes to swap.expired after the swap expired; the failure reason will be kept and informs e.g. if the user sending too little or too much was the reason for the swap to fail. The states invoice.failedToPay and swap.expired are final. Boltz is not monitoring user's refund transactions.

Reverse Submarine Swaps

Reverse Submarine Swaps move bitcoin from Lightning to the chain. Again, "chain" can refer to the Bitcoin mainchain or, for instance, the Liquid sidechain. Reverse Submarine Swaps start with the client generating a preimage, then calculating the SHA256 hash of it and sending that hash to Boltz. With this hash, Boltz creates a hold invoice that can only be settled when the preimage is revealed by the user. The user pays the invoice, but the Lightning payment doesn't execute, because Boltz doesn't know the preimage yet. Next, Boltz locks up chain bitcoin using the same hash so that these can be claimed with the previously generated preimage by the client. Once the client successfully invoked the API call to get Boltz's partial signature for the claim transaction and supplied the preimage, Boltz can then use the preimage to settle the Lightning invoice. The Claim & Refund Transactions section contains details about how Boltz API clients can construct claim transactions for their users.

The following states are traversed in the course of a Reverse Submarine Swap:

  1. swap.created: initial state of a newly created Reverse Submarine Swap

  2. minerfee.paid: optional and currently not enabled on Boltz. If Boltz requires prepaying miner fees via a separate Lightning invoice, this state is set when the miner fee invoice was successfully paid

  3. transaction.mempool: Boltz's lockup transaction is found in the mempool which will only happen after the user paid the Lightning hold invoice

  4. transaction.confirmed: the lockup transaction was included in a block. This state is skipped, if the client optionally accepts the transaction without confirmation. Boltz broadcasts chain transactions non-RBF only.

  5. invoice.settled: the client successfully invoked the API call to get Boltz's partial signature for the claim transaction and supplied the preimage and Boltz then used the preimage to settle the Lightning invoice. This is the final status of a successful Reverse Submarine Swap. Boltz does not track if the client broadcasts the claim transaction.

The status invoice.expired is set when the invoice of Boltz expired and pending HTLCs are cancelled. Boltz invoices currently expire after 50% of the swap expiry. If the swap expires without the lightning invoice being paid, the final status of the swap will be swap.expired.

In the unlikely event that Boltz is unable to lock the agreed amount of chain bitcoin after the user set up the payment to the provided Lightning invoice, the final status of the swap will be transaction.failed and the pending Lightning HTLC will be cancelled. The Lightning bitcoin automatically bounce back to the user, no further action or refund is required and the user didn't pay any fees.

If the user successfully set up the Lightning payment and Boltz successfully locked up bitcoin on the chain, but the user did not claim the locked chain bitcoin until swap expiry, Boltz will automatically refund its own locked chain bitcoin. The final status of such a swap will be transaction.refunded.

Chain Swaps

Chain Swaps move bitcoin between two different chains, e.g. between the Bitcoin mainchain and Liquid. Chain Swaps are similar to Reverse Submarine Swaps, but without lightning and both sides being onchain. First, the API client sends a SHA256 hash of a 32 bytes long preimage and two public keys to the server. One key is used to sign a transaction on the chain the user wants to receive on, the other key is needed to sign a refund transaction on the chain the client locks coins on, in case the swap fails. Based on the details provided to the server, it creates one address for the client to lock coins and one for the server to lock coins. When the server locks coins, the client can claim those to its wallet by invoking Boltz's API to get Boltz's partial signature for the claim transaction and revealing the preimage. By revealing the preimage, the server can claim the coins the user locked. It is the client's responsibility to broadcast the claim transaction, Boltz does not track if the client broadcasts the claim transaction. All Chain Swaps are Taproot based, so instead of claiming by revealing scripts and secrets onchain, a key path spend can be done by the server and client cooperating to create a single signature together. More details about this can be found in the Claim & Refund Transactions section.

A Chain Swap has the following states:

  1. swap.created: initial state of the swap

  2. transaction.mempool: the lockup transaction of the client was found in the mempool

  3. transaction.confirmed: the lockup transaction of the client was confirmed in a block. When the server accepts 0-conf, for the lockup transaction, this state is skipped

  4. transaction.server.mempool: the lockup transaction of the server has been broadcast

  5. trnasaction.server.confirmed: the lockup transaction of the server has been included in a block

  6. transaction.claimed: the server claimed the coins that the client locked

If the user doesn't send chain bitcoin and the swap expires, Boltz will set the state of the swap to swap.expired, which means that it was cancelled and chain bitcoin shouldn't be sent anymore. When the client fails to lock coins in a way that is satisfactory to the server, like sending too little or too much, it will set the status to transaction.lockupFailed.

For the swap states swap.expired where bitcoin were sent and transaction.lockupFailed, the user needs to submit a refund transaction to reclaim the locked chain bitcoin. For more information about how Boltz API clients can construct and submit refund transactions for users, check the Claim & Refund Transactions section. In the unlikely event that Boltz is unable to lock the agreed amount of chain bitcoin, the final status will be transaction.failed.

If the user and Boltz both successfully locked up bitcoin on the chain, but the user did not claim the locked chain bitcoin until swap expiry, Boltz will automatically refund its own locked chain bitcoin. The final status of such a swap will be transaction.refunded.

The state transaction.lockupFailed is not final and changes to swap.expired after the swap expired; the failure reason will be kept and informs e.g. if the user sending too little or too much was the reason for the swap to fail. The states swap.expired and transaction.refundedare final. Boltz is not monitoring user's refund transactions.

Last updated