🚢Backend Deployment

Deploying Boltz backend has to be done with great care since it will have full control over the Lightning Node it is connected to. With great power comes great responsibility.


  • The latest Node.js LTS and npm installed. We recommend using nvm to manage npm installs: nvm install --lts

  • rsync (needed to compile the TypeScript code)

Boltz Backend requires a synced Bitcoin Core Instance to connect to the Bitcoin mainchain. Similarly, Elements Core to connect to the Liquid sidechain etc. Bitcoin/Elements Core must:

  • Have the transaction index enabled: txindex=1

  • Enable ZeroMQ streams for raw blocks and raw transactions: (zmqpubrawblock=tcp://<host>:<port> and zmqpubrawtx=tcp://<host>:<port>)

Boltz requires a LND or CLN node running on Bitcoin to be present. For LND, no special configuration is needed, all official release binaries are compatible.

Config Sample

configpath = "/home/boltz/.boltz/boltz.conf"
dbpath = "/home/boltz/.boltz/boltz.db"
logpath = "/home/boltz/.boltz/boltz.log"
datadir = "/home/boltz/.boltz"

# This mnemonic is not for the wallet that holds the onchain coins
# but the claim and refund keys are derived from it
mnemonicpath = "/home/boltz/.boltz/seed.dat"

# Possible values are: error, warning, info, verbose, debug, silly
loglevel = "debug"

# The backend can also connect to a PostgreSQL database
# When configured, it takes precedence over SQLite
# [postgres]
# host = ""
# port = 5432
# database = "boltz"
# username = "boltz"
# password = "boltz"

# Logs can be sent to a Loki log aggregator
# lokiHost = ""
# lokiNetwork = "regtest"

# This value configures the type of the lockup address of normal Submarine Swaps:
#   - false: P2SH nested P2WSH
#   - true: P2WSH
swapwitnessaddress = false

# Enables the prepay minerfee Reverse Submarine Swap procotol
# If this value is "true", an invoice for the miner fee has to be paid
# before hold invoice of the Revese Swap
prepayminerfee = false

# This is the REST API that should be exposed to the public
# It does not support HTTPS but only plaintext HTTP. A reverse
# proxy should be setup with a web server like Nginx
host = ""
port = 9_001

# Configure CORS headers set by the backend
# "" to disable
cors = "*"

# The backend can expose a metrics endpoint about swap count, volume, etc
# [prometheus]
# host = ""
# port = 9_092

# And this the gRPC API that is used by the boltz-cli executable
host = ""
port = 9_000
certpath = "/home/boltz/.boltz/tls.cert"
keypath = "/home/boltz/.boltz/tls.key"

# The interval in seconds at which new rates for pairs that
# do not have a hardcoded rate should be updates
interval = 1

# Boltz Backend allows for backing up LND channel backups and
# the database to a Google Cloud Storage Bucket
email = ""
privatekeypath = ""
bucketname = ""
# Cron interval at which a new backup should be uploaded. The default value is daily
interval = "0 0 * * *"

# Boltz backend supports sending messages to Discord after successful and
# failed Swaps and if the wallet or channel balance is below a configurable threshold
token = ""
channel = ""
# A string to prefix all messages with
prefix = "mainnet"
# When Mattermost should be used instead of Discord for notifications
# mattermostUrl = ""
# Optionally, important alerts can be sent to a different channel
# channelAlerts = ""

prefix = ""
# Interval in minutes at which the wallet and channel balances should be checked 
interval = 1
# Some Discord commands (like withdraw) require a TOTP token
# This is the path to the secret of that TOTP token
otpsecretpath = "/home/boltz/.boltz/otpSecret.dat"

# The array "pairs" configures the trading pairs that Boltz should support
# A pair can have the following options:
# - "base" (required): base currency
# - "quote" (required): quote currency
# - "timeoutDelta": after how many minutes a Swap of that pair should timeout
# - "rate": the rate for a pair can be hardcoded (only sensible for same currency pairs);  
#           if the rate is not hardcoded the mean value from these exchanges will be used:
#             - Binance
#             - Bitfinex 
#             - Coinbase Pro
#             - Kraken
#             - Poloniex
# - "fee": percentage of the swapped amount that should be charged as fee
# - "swapInFee" (optional): same as "fee" but for swaps from onchain to lightning; defaults to "fee" if not set
base = "BTC"
quote = "BTC"
rate = 1

maxSwapAmount = 10_000_000
minSwapAmount = 10_000

# Expiry of the invoices generated for reverse swaps of this pair
# If not set, half of the expiry time of the reverse swap will be used
invoiceExpiry = 7200

    # Timeouts in minutes
    reverse = 1440
    swapMinimal = 1440
    swapMaximal = 2880
    swapTaproot = 10080

base = "L-BTC"
quote = "BTC"
rate = 1
fee = 0.5
swapInFee = 0.2

maxSwapAmount = 10_000_00
minSwapAmount = 100_000

    reverse = 1440
    swapMinimal = 1440
    swapMaximal = 2880
    swapTaproot = 10080

base = "L-BTC"
quote = "BTC"
fee = 0.25
swapInFee = 0.1
rate = 1

maxSwapAmount = 4_294_967
minSwapAmount = 10_000

    reverse = 1440
    swapMinimal = 1400
    swapMaximal = 2880
    swapTaproot = 10080

# The array "currencies" configures the chain and LND clients for the "pairs"
# Not configuring the LND client is possible but will cause that chain not to support Lightning
# The values are pretty self explainatory apart from: "minWalletBalance" and "minChannelBalance" which trigger
# a Discord notification
symbol = "BTC"
network = "bitcoinTestnet"
minWalletBalance = 10_000_000
minChannelBalance = 10_000_000
maxZeroConfAmount = 10_000_000

# Onchain wallet provider
# Options: "core" or "lnd"
# Defaults to "lnd"
# preferredWallet = "core"

# Can be set to alert about the balance of an unused wallet being more than a certain threshold
# maxUnusedWalletBalance = 100_000

    host = ""
    port = 18_332

    # The requests to Bitcoin Core like clients can be authenticated with cookie files or user/password
    # If both are configured, cookie files are preferred
    cookie = ""

    user = "bitcoin"
    password = "bitcoin"

    # Optional API endpoint of a MempoolSpace instance running on the chain of the configured client
    mempoolSpace = "https://mempool.space/api"

    # The ZMQ endpoints for a chain can be configured here
    # If they are not set, those endpoints are fetched via the "getzmqnotifications" RPC method of the node
    zmqpubrawtx = "tcp://"
    zmqpubrawblock = "tcp://"

    # hashblock is not required and should only be used as fallback in case rawblock is not available
    # zmqpubhashblock = ""

    host = ""
    port = 10_009
    certpath = "/home/boltz/.lnd/bitcoin/tls.cert"
    macaroonpath = "/home/boltz/.lnd/bitcoin/admin.macaroon"
    maxPaymentFeeRatio = 0.03

    # A CLN node can be connected via its gRPC interface
    host = ""
    port = 9291
    rootCertPath = "/home/boltz/.lightning/testnet/ca.pem"
    privateKeyPath = "/home/boltz/.lightning/testnet/client-key.pem"
    certChainPath = "/home/boltz/.lightning/testnet/client.pem"

        # The Boltz hold invoice plugin is required: https://github.com/BoltzExchange/boltz-backend/tree/master/tools/plugins/hold
        host = ""
        port = 9292
        rootCertPath = "/home/boltz/.lightning/testnet/hold/ca.pem"
        privateKeyPath = "/home/boltz/.lightning/testnet/hold/client-key.pem"
        certChainPath = "/home/boltz/.lightning/testnet/hold/client.pem"

        # Optionally, mpay (https://github.com/BoltzExchange/boltz-backend/tree/master/tools/plugins/mpay) can be used to pay invoices
        host = ""
        port = 9293
        rootCertPath = "/home/boltz/.lightning/testnet/mpay/ca.pem"
        privateKeyPath = "/home/boltz/.lightning/testnet/mpay/client-key.pem"
        certChainPath = "/home/boltz/.lightning/testnet/mpay/client.pem"

symbol = "L-BTC"
network = "liquidTestnet"

maxSwapAmount = 4_294_967
minSwapAmount = 10_000

minWalletBalance = 100_000_000

    host = ""
    port = 18884
    cookie = "/home/boltz/.elements/liquidv1/.cookie"

Database migrations

To migrate from a SQLite database to PostgreSQL use the following script with pgloader:

load database 
    from sqlite://<path>
    into pgsql://<user>:<password>>@<host>/<database>

with quote identifiers, data only, reset sequences

set work_mem to '16MB', maintenance_work_mem to '512 MB';

Last updated